Ukrainian refugees are starting to face a serious housing problem in Latvia – despite the availability of funds, Latvian owners refuse to rent them.

In the Latvian segment of social networks, cries for help from Ukrainian refugees who find themselves in a hopeless housing situation are heard more and more often. Even in the presence of work and money, Latvian residents are reluctant to rent them apartments.

Thus, the famous Latvian businessman and philanthropist Yevgeny Gomberg shared on Facebook his experience of communicating with Ukrainian refugees to whom he rented his apartment.
„The rented apartment was deserted, it was placed in the ss. Only Ukrainians called for two weeks. They complained that many of the hosts did not want to talk to them, „We do not rent to Ukrainians.”

Honestly, it’s embarrassing. I understand the possible concerns about solvency, but so far everyone is asking for three months because they want to go home as soon as possible and are willing to pay immediately for the entire period, writes Gomberg.

According to him, it seems that it’s not about money. While refugees are promised EUR 113 per month per adult, EUR 75 per child. By comparison, Gomberg cites England, „which gives entry permit for three years and support – £ 350 per person per month.

The entrepreneur also added in a note the story of his deceased mother about how the family escaped from the Nazis from the vicinity of Odessa. In the villages they were met by Ukrainian peasants in white shirts with posters „We will not give the Jews water”.

In turn, a post appeared on a public Facebook group to help refugees by asking them to find a two-room flat to rent.

The woman reported that she had unsuccessfully tried to rent an apartment in Riga for 10 days, but was refused everywhere, even though she was willing to pay not only utility bills but also the rent itself.

We came to Riga from Ukraine 10 days ago. Two women, a 15-year-old girl and two little dogs (7 years old, do not bite or spoil anything). We lost our legs in the search for an apartment that is ready to pay (rent and utilities under the contract). Nevertheless, we receive constant refusals from real estate agents – the author of the post complains.

According to her, they almost found a job in Riga, but there are still big problems with housing.
However, social media users could only offer her portals with apartments for rent and advised her to look for a flat outside of Riga.

It should be noted that last Friday, Riga’s vice-president Linda Ozola informed that the possibilities of the capital city’s self-government to receive refugees have already been exhausted – these are premises reserved for local disasters. But Riga will look for new opportunities, and the help of other Latvian local governments is also needed.

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