The rapid growth of ChatGPT has had a major impact on the field of artificial intelligence by allowing everyday users to experience and be amazed by AI’s capabilities. Despite its limitations, ChatGPT’s impressive performance has made people aware of just how advanced AI has become, according to Felix Richter of Statista.

It’s no coincidence that both Alphabet and Microsoft named the shift to AI as one of the biggest challenges their facing when they announced their restructuring plans earlier this month.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella even spoke of an upcoming platform shift, likely referring to AI-enabled services as the next big change in tech after the shift to mobile.

But what do consumers ultimately expect to change due to the increased use of artificial intelligence and which areas of life will most likely be affected in the next three to five years? Ipsos carried out a global survey on the subject in late 2021 and the following chart sums up the results.

You will find more infographics at Statista

“[AI] is going to change the world more than anything in the history of mankind. More than electricity.”

— AI oracle and venture capitalist Dr Kai-Fu Lee, 2018

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